Amazon Delivery Accidents

Katy Amazon Delivery Accidents Attorney

Lawyer for Accidents Caused by Amazon's Drivers in Fort Bend County

Amazon delivery can be a wonderful convenience. Many people prefer shopping from the comfort of their homes and having their purchases brought to them. Generally, it is often safer to have items delivered than to travel in a car to the store. Unfortunately, Amazon delivery drivers can be a hazard to delivery customers and others on or near the roads. If you have been injured by an Amazon delivery driver, you may be entitled to recover compensation.

The Hatton Law Firm PLLC is experienced in helping people who have been injured by careless Amazon delivery drivers recover the compensation they deserve, We will do everything in our power to see you awarded full compensation for the harm done to you or your loved ones. Our attorneys will fight to win every dollar you are rightfully entitled to.

How Careless Amazon Delivery Drivers Put You at Risk

Amazon delivery accidents are becoming more common as Amazon expands its base of drivers. Many of Amazon's drivers are not professional drivers in delivery trucks, but contractors in private vehicles. The Amazon Flex program allows individuals to deliver packages in their own cars. Amazon Flex drivers are paid per "block" of hours, and they are incentivized to make their deliveries as quickly as possible. These drivers are given little or no instruction in accident prevention.

In our years of experience, we have observed a few common types of negligence exhibited by Amazon's drivers. They include:

  • Speeding - Delivery drivers are often in a hurry to deliver as many packages as possible in as little time as possible.
  • Inattentiveness - When drivers are in a rush, they may not take the time to complete important tasks, such as checking behind their trucks when backing out or checking their blind spots when changing lanes.
  • Aggression - Road rage is increasingly common in Texas and throughout the United States. Amazon drivers, who are often in a rush, may be quick to become more than frustrated with other vehicles they perceive as slowing them down.
  • Distractions - Drivers may be looking at their cell phones to view information about their routes rather than watching the road. Accidents caused by distracted driving can be severe, sometimes causing catastrophic injuries.
  • Intoxication - Delivery drivers may drive drunk.

Our team of experienced attorneys will investigate to determine the cause of your accident. We will work to uncover any evidence that could help your case.

Who Is Liable for an Amazon Delivery Accident in Texas?

How we approach your case will depend on a few factors. One of the most important factors when it comes to liability is whether the delivery driver who caused your accident was an Amazon employee, a third-party company employee, or an Amazon Flex independent contractor. Knowing this will help us determine who may be held liable for your injuries.

There are a lot of legal complexities in these cases. Amazon itself may or may not share liability. If you were hit by a private individual driving their own vehicle, it may be wise to file a claim against the driver's personal car insurance. If the delivery vehicle involved was a commercial truck, you may have a claim against a third-party company rather than Amazon.

Amazon has been able to avoid liability for some accidents caused by drivers who were not directly employed by the company. Our attorneys will work strategically to file the right type of claim against the right party so that you can recover the compensation you need.

Contact a Houston Amazon Delivery Accident Attorney

The Hatton Law Firm PLLC is committed to helping people injured by careless Amazon delivery drivers recover compensation. Our experienced lawyers understand just how much an accident like this can impact your life, and we will strive to win you every bit of compensation you deserve. Contact us at 713-840-6344 for a free consultation. We can take your call 24/7, so do not hesitate to call when you need us.

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